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«Lost Postcards» solo show at CultPrint, Georgetown. Penang. Malaysia

By Exhibitions

“Our evolution as a species has been intermittently linked to this trail of barbarism that we leave at every step.” explains artist Isaac Cordal about the premise of progress dictated by society.

For his solo exhibition, “Lost Postcards” Cordal pays close attention to the human condition and presents his perspective on overtourism through his signature miniature sculptures.

Using photography and sculptures, Cordal emphasises on the double – edged concept of mass tourism. He suggests that tourists are the most effective army in history, and at some point, we are all part of an immense mass that colonises the world. We change into our vacation clothes, just to be part of the machinery called tourism. We open our suitcases in remote places, look out the window and everything becomes an immense set. We stand in huge lines under the sun to confirm that what we see is real, and corresponds to the image described in travel guides. It fills us with vitality to observe that the passage of time and nature have not yet completely overcome the vestiges of the past, and for a moment, a halo of immortality is captured on our memory cards. The terrifying thing is that these places disappear as we visit them.

“Tourism is the finished form of war”– Marc Augé

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disCONNECT. Schoeni Projects. Hong Kong

By Exhibitions

disCONNECT group exhibition can currently be seen in Hong Kong.

11 October – 29 November 2020 (Wednesday – Sunday, Noon – 8pm)

Tenement Building: 2-4/F 16 Pak Sha Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


disCONNECT is an exhibition that responds to the pandemic and explores themes of connection, belonging, isolation and reliance on technology at the time of COVID19. From the rigorous pre-exhibition planning to exhibition realisation, the practice corresponds with worldwide lockdown, quarantine and restrictions throughout the entire period.

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Walls Enclosure. Urban Spree Gallery. Berlin

By Exhibitions, Group shows

17.01.2020 – 29.02.2020
Revaler Str. 99 (Revaler x Warschauer)
Berlin, 10245


The 13-character installation “Wall Enclosure“ was created in situ at Urban Spree in January 2020 by Isaac Cordal for the “WALLS” exhibition.

It is a dark and powerful dystopian evocation of loneliness, bureaucratie, and alienation. A miniature universe set in a series of upcycled kitchen furniture, spray painted and enhanced with patina.




Follow the leaders – Annecy Paysages. Annecy, France

By Outdoors

Lac d´Annecy / Parc Charles Brosson

6 Jullier – 15 September

Dans le bassin d’un ancien embarcadère au bord du lac, Isaac Cordal installe une vingtaine de personnages figurant une assemblée de décideurs débattant des mesures à prendre pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique. Au delà de tout aspect polémique, l’œuvre s’impose par le rapport à la nature et au temps qu’elle incarne jusqu’à l’absurde.
L’œuvre d’Isaac Cordal, artiste street-art, s’inspire d’une installation éphémère réalisée à Berlin en 2011 et qui fait partie de la série Follow the leaders. Il nous invite à porter une attention particulière sur la relation que nous entretenons avec l’environnement. Les sculptures réalisées en résine polyuréthane peintes sont vissées sur un socle en métal et plongées dans l’eau, laissant libre cours à l’imagination de chacun : débordement des eaux de la planète ou reflet de l’inconscience collective face au bouleversement climatique ? Une invitation à vous laisser submerger par vos pensées…


Annecy Paysages


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Waiting for climate change – Obrestad Fyr Og Hå Gamle Prestegard, Norway

By Outdoors, Uncategorized

Laurdag 22. juni kl. 14.00. Obrestad fyr
utandørs installasjon


I sommar kan du oppleve utstillinga WAITING FOR CLIMATE CHANGE av den spanske kunstnaren Isaac Cordal. Ved området på Obrestad fyr og Hå gamle prestegard vil du kome over små folk plassert på høge stolpar. På ulikt vis er dei alle førebudd på den
komande klimaendringa. Dei ser ikkje redde eller bekymra ut, meir avventande til det uunngåelege.


Isaac Cordal bur og arbeider i Spania. Han har utdanning frå University of Fine Arts i Spania og Camberwell College of Arts i London, der han spesialiserte seg innan skulptur. Mange kjenner til street-art-prosjekta hans, der han plasserer ut små menneskeskulpturar i urbane miljø og isceneset kvardagssituasjonar i absurde settingar.


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Follow the leaders – Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao

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Isaac Cordal: ‘Seguir a los líderes’

Del 2 de mayo de 2019 al 19 de mayo de 2019

Bilbao Art District se inaugura el 2 de mayo en el Atrio de las Culturas con la instalación ‘Seguir a los líderes’ del artista Isaac Cordal (Galicia, 1974), formada por habitantes de una ciudad que se mimetizan con los escombros de sus ruinas. Poblada de pequeños hombres de negocios que deambulan a la deriva observando el efecto colateral de sus propias decisiones, esta ciudad en ruinas es el rastro que hemos dejado a medida que nos hemos alejado de la naturaleza.


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LandArt Lapinjärvi, Finland

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On this, the last day of the year, I am very happy to present to you a project which I carried out in November for Landart Lanpinjarvi in Finland. On this occasion, I was working on full scale / life size pieces. The materials that I used were branches of trees and mud that were collected on location. The Sculptures are located in a forest near Lanpinjarvi.



Upnorth Festival, Rost. Norway

By Outdoors

Last July I had the opportunity to travel to Rost, in Norway, to participate in Upnorth Festival. A fantastic week sharing experiences with artists in a spectacular environment with 24 hours of light.

The nature in its maximum splendor. A challenge to be able to integrate my sculptures out of the urban context without damaging the landscape.

Thanks to all the people involved in this project.



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By Exhibitions

Exposition du 19/10 au 19/11/17
La poudrière / Bastion Royal / Bayonne / France
Du mardi au dimanche
de 14h à 19h – prix libre




Within the activities of the week of street art for the Festival Points de Vue , organized by Spacejunk´s art centers, I have presented my itinerant exhibition called La comédie humaine which includes some of my artworks made since 2013.


La Comédie Humaine is a work in progress show that reflects on the side effects of the side effects of our stupidity. Artworks displayed are changing depending on the space. This time, the space, is an old army fortress that looks like a kind of bunker-chapel with thick stone walls, very interesting to play with the lights and very charm for its silence . The exhibition is made up of small installations, photographs and a large installation in the center of the space. The central installation is titled The School, an reflection on how education has become an industry where schools have become a business and students have become clients. The constant pursuit of  profit has destroyed the values of knowledge by considering useless everything that is not productive. A factory is here converted into a large reading room, to illustrate that we live immersed in the industrialization of thought.

Thanks to Alban, Audrey, all volunteers, artist and everyone involved in the project.


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By Outdoors

A new, three-year public art project will see Nuart curate a series of artworks along the length of the Akerselva river. Spanish artist Isaac Cordal was first out of the traps, putting up a total of 21 miniature sculptures from Frysja in the north to Grønland in the south in July 2017.

The ambitious project will see the area adjacent to the river, which cuts through the centre of the city, become a venue for the world’s leading street artists. The Akerselva has historically been viewed as something of a socio-economic and racial dividing line between east and west – a line we’re interested in exploring.

This project aims to celebrate the diversity of the four neighborhoods through which the river flows – Nordre Aker, Sagene, Grünerløkka and Gamle Oslo – and invite the local community to rediscover the area through the creation of an ‘art trail’ that traverses boundaries, both real and imagined.

Nuart RAD forms the core of Oslo Municipality’s five-year action plan for street art, which promotes graffiti and street art as part of contemporary art in public spaces.



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