This installation entitled ‘Telearbeit’ reflects on how home has become a place of work and confinement. ‘Telework’ could be another step in contemporary slavery to keep us productive 24 hours a day. For some it is a slice of freedom for others a kind of condemnation.
The family, the school, the factory, the hospital, the prison… the so-called “disciplinary institutions” described by Foucault in his book Discipline and Punish. Does our ‘sweet home’ synthesise all these places of confinement today?. What is certain is that in the past year we have seen the shadow of the bars.
Kunstlabor2’s proposal was to work with the furniture of a former hospital, where the space is currently located, and I chose a filing cabinet to turn its spaces into small confined offices.
This installation was realised last October at @kunstlabor.munich. Many thanks to Boris, Luisa and Tamara for their help in making it possible. Many thanks to the whole team.