Follow the leaders is a critical reflection on our inertia as a social mass. Representing a social stereotype associated with power compound businessmen who run the global social spectrum. I worked with a great team of people that have helped me to realize this project.
Follow the leaders is a critical reflection on our inertia as a social mass. Representing a social stereotype associated with power compound businessmen who run the global social spectrum. I worked with a great team of people that have helped me to realize this project.
After three months of work a new version of my installation Follow the leaders has been filed Place du Bouffay in Nantes, produced by Levoayageanantes. This time the result is a massive installation consists of 2000 pieces and several concrete buildings which represent a kind of city in ruins: a metaphor for the collapse of capitalism and the side effects of progress. The installation occupies 20 m x 18 m. At night it lights up like a sort of ghost town.
Follow the leaders @ Nantes, France
20m x 18 m
New installation expands his critique of global capitalism and its soldiersVoyage à Nantes : Isaac Cordal ou l’expo qu’il faut avoir vu…
Entente cordal à nantes