Follow the leaders. Nantes, France
After three months of work a new version of my installation Follow the leaders has been filed Place du Bouffay in Nantes, produced by Levoayageanantes. This time the result is a massive installation consists of 2000 pieces and several concrete buildings which represent a kind of city in ruins: a metaphor for the collapse of capitalism and the side effects of progress. The installation occupied 20 m x 18 m. At night it lights up like a sort of ghost town.
Follow the leaders is an installation in process whose sculptures number varies according to circumstances: the population could be from two thousand to five members and it can be presented both outside and inside.
Follow the leaders is a critical reflection on our inertia as a social mass. Representing a social stereotype associated with power compound businessmen who run the global social spectrum. I worked with a great team of people that have helped me to realize this project.
Venduto 3. Milano, Italy
Beaufort04. De Panne, Belgium
London, UK.
Festival des Libertes. Brussels, Belgium
Follow the leaders, Berlin. Germany. 2011
La Otra Bienal. Bogotá, Colombia. November 2013
La Otra Bienal. Bogotá, Colombia. November 2013
Levoyageanantes. Nantes, France. June- Setember 2013
Festival des Libertes. Brussels, Belgium. November. 2012
Beaufort04. De Panne, Belgium. March-Setember. 2012